Year 5 Workshop | Strasbourg, France
ACTOR Y5 Workshop
July 3–5, 2023
Université de Strasbourg
Strasbourg, France
Welcome | About | Schedule | Information
“I would like to welcome all ACTOR members to our Y5 workshop, which wraps up our fifth year of activities. I am greatly encouraged by the many collaborative activities that took place over the last year among faculty and student members, ensuring that this year’s slate of workgroups will once again demonstrate the resourcefulness and devotion of our research-creation community. I look forward to seeing everyone either in person or virtually and hearing about your work over the course of the workshop.”
The Analysis, Creation, and Teaching of Orchestration (ACTOR) partnership involves musicians, humanists, scientists and engineers to deepen the understanding of the many roles that timbre and orchestration play in music in interaction with all the other musical parameters. Every year, this group of orchestrational aficionados gets together to have updates on the three main axes of the project (i.e., (1) Analysis, (2) Tool development, and (3) Output innovation) which translates into research projects, technological development, artistic productions, and pedagogical initiatives. Aside from building the ACTOR community, facilitating networking, and fostering collaboration, the annual workshop also includes presentations given by student members during the plenary session and reports of activities presented by the Project Director, the Training and Mentoring Committee (TMC), and the Knowledge Mobilization Committee (KMC). The ACTOR Y5 Annual Workshop will be held in a hybrid format (online/in person), in Strasbourg (France). We anticipate that this format will enable a greater number of members to participate.
More info:
Workgroup Leaders | Student Presentations | Note-Takers | Travel and Accom
The Y5 Annual Workshop will be hosted by the Université de Strasbourg at the Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme – Alsace (MISHA), located at 5 allée du Général Rouvillois – CS 50008 – 67083 Strasbourg cedex. All activities will be held in the Salle de table ronde and the Salle de conference.
Contact: +33 (0)3 68 85 61 00
More information:
* All times are listed in CEST (UTC/GMT + 2 hours)
8:45 Welcome Coffee
9:00 Admin. Session
9:50 Coffee break
10:20 Student Presentations
12:30 Lunch
2:30 Lightning Talks (1–9)
4:00 Coffee break
4:30 Lightning Talks (10-12)
5:00 Student Grant Presentations
6:00 Timbrenauts musical interlude
6:20 Closing Remarks
8:00 Dinner
8:45 Welcome Coffee
9:00 Timbre and Orchestration Analysis | TOR Sessions
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Voice | OrchView Sessions
12:30 Lunch
2:30 Taxonomies | Diversity Sessions
4:00 Coffee break
4:30 Host highlight Session
6:00 Break
7:00 Concert
8:30 Dinner
8:45 Welcome Coffee
9:00 Timbre Semantics | Room Acoustics Sessions
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 CORE | Orchidea Sessions
12:30 Lunch
2:30 Focus Talk – Roger Reynolds
4:00 Coffee break
4:30 Wrap-up Session
6:00 Closing remarks
8:00 Dinner
Concert “Hommage à King Crimson” (La Pokop, 19 rue du Jura, 67000 Strasbourg)
* Admission is free for workshop participants
Bill Bruford, David Cross, Jamie Muir, John Wetton et Robert Fripp, Larks' Tongues in Aspic Part One (1973, 14')
John Wetton, Richard Palmer-James et Robert Fripp, Easy Money (1973, 8')
Robert Fripp, Fracture (1974, 11')
Robert Fripp, Red (1974, 6')
Bill Bruford, David Cross, John Wetton, Richard Palmer-James et Robert Fripp, Starless (1974, 12')
Greg Lake, Michael Giles et Robert Fripp, 21st Century Schizoid Man (1969, 7')
Here is a complete list of workgroups and their respective leaders. Links to supporting materials and Zoom links will be posted as they become available.
*Please note that the links to supporting materials will take you to ACTOR’s repository in Sharepoint. If you experience problems accessing it, contact
Orchestration analysis taxonomies and the Orchestration Analysis and Research database – OrchARD (Stephen McAdams, Kit Soden). [Taxonomies_Orchard]
Diversity working group (Robert Hasegawa). [Diversity]
Computer-aided and target-based orchestration – Orchidea (Carmine Cella). [Orchidea]
Acoustics of musical performance rooms (Malte Kob, Martha de Francisco). [Room_Acoustics]
Composer-performer orchestration research ensembles – CORE (Stephen McAdams, Roger Reynolds, Caroline Traube). [CORE]
OrchView (Félix Baril). [OrchView]
Timbre and Orchestration Resource – TOR (Kit Soden, Ben Duinker, Andrés Gutiérrez Martínez). [TOR]
Timbre semantics (Lindsey Reymore, Jason Noble). [Timbre_Semantics]
Voice working group (Juanita Marchand Knight). [Voice]
Timbre and orchestration analysis (Robert Hasegawa). [Timbre_Orchestration_Analysis]
Follow the links below for information on:
Director’s report
KMC report
TMC report.
Information for Workgroup Leaders
Click here to access the internal page with the links, or email Andre at[at]
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